Fort Lauderdale Weather in June

Here Comes Summer!

Although on average the wettest month of the year, Fort Lauderdale weather in June is still beautiful.

From our experience, the rain usually happens at night or as one of those short lived afternoon thunderstorms that are here one minute and gone the next. 

Even though the storms are gone within the hour, they can dump a ton of rain and can make driving in them challenging. But don't worry, the sun will be shining again in minutes and with average daily temperatures in the high 80s the streets will be dry in seconds.

June is the start of hurricane season. The probability of a storm affecting South Florida at this time of year is relatively low given the still cool ocean waters. If anything does form it's usually only a tropical storm or depression and even those are fairly rare at this time of year.

Also, you will notice that the air is more humid, while some of you might not be used to it, trust us, it's no big deal. A little hair spray and deodorant and you're good to go!

Average High in June: 89°F
Record High in June: 108°F (1997)
Average Low in June: 76°F
Record Low in June: 57°F (1933)
Average Rain in June: 7.74"
TIP: Early June is also a great time of year for getting good hotel deals and cheap air tickets. The summer tourist season hasn't started yet since most kids are still in school at this time of year.
With lows in the mid 70s and highs in the upper 80s, June in Fort Lauderdale is an ideal spot for some fun in the sun.

Unfortunately with climate change things are getting hotter so average temperatures will probably need to change in the next few years. In 2022 the averages in Fort Lauderdale were a couple of degrees higher than normal. It'll be interesting to see what happens in 2023.

By the way, don't let the rain scare you away from coming down here. The weather in June is beautiful and the rain is often a refreshing distraction during your day and a great time to take a break from the beach and go shopping or take in some other indoor activities.

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