Fort Lauderdale Weather in November

The Humidity Breaks and Dry Season begins.

High humidity is gone at this time of year. Fort Lauderdale weather in November is the start of the dry season with warm days and cool nights.

Driving along the beach near the strip of hotels along the beach

Although still Hurricane Season until the end of the month, the cooler ocean waters make any sort of tropical storm pretty rare. The winds tend to pick up at this time of year so the coast can get pretty breezy some days while the temperature remains warm. The winds also tend to bring in some rip currents so be aware of that when going into the ocean.

November is also the month when many of our fellow northerners start heading down for the winter, particularly at the end, after Thanksgiving.

Average High in November: 81°F
Record High in November: 91°F (1958)
Average Low in November: 68°F
Record Low in November: 26°F (1940)
Average Rain in November: 3.32"

November 2023 Prediction: According to the National Weather Service this November should be warmer than normal but not necessarily drier.  

Winter is also expected to be warmer than normal, with coldest temperatures late in December, late January, and early February.  

Although that isn't necessarily a prediction for South Florida, having spent so many winter seasons there when it gets cold further North it often gets colder in the South as well. The good news is that winter rainfall is expected to be below normal in the South.

If you're coming from the great white North, November is the perfect time to experience Fort Lauderdale. Depending on where you're coming from, the temperature may be up to 50 degrees warmer here.

Imagine sitting on your balcony overlooking the ocean and sipping iced tea in shorts and a T-shirt while your neighbours back home are all bundled up and shovelling out their cars.

November is a great month to be down here. So if you're lucky enough to have the opportunity to come visit at this time of year don't think twice and just do it!

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