Rain, Rain Go Away!

Snowbird season is quickly approaching and so far 2012 has proven to be a wet year. Let's all hope it doesn't stay that way.

The rainy season started a little early this year and should be winding up. Much of South Florida has seen as much rain as it gets in a full year and we're only at the beginning of October. The meteorologists are predicting that we aren't out of the woods yet and that we may see a wetter than normal winter too--although they can't say for sure.

Between tropical storms and a larger than normal amount of rainfall, our lawns have never looked so green, there is always a silver lining if you look hard enough.

Just a year earlier, we experienced drought and wild fires...Oh, how times have changed. The weather down here has become more fickle and unpredictable than ever. For those of us who spend large blocks of time here, it doesn't really matter. But for those who come down for just a week on a much needed vacation, the erratic pattern can prove to be a problem.

To the vacationers we say this... Being surrounded by palm trees, wearing summer clothes and breathing in the ocean air on a cloudy day is still exhilarating and relaxing in the winter months. If your visit happens to coincide with a week of bad weather (by Florida standards) you may not end up going home with a tan but you will still go home feeling rejuvenated.

However, if you're a sun worshiper who wants nothing more from a vacation than to slather yourself with oil and bake, you might want to consider heading a little further south to one of the hot spots in the Caribbean--the risk of inclement weather in the Islands will work much more in your favor.

We still have another seven weeks to go before the official end of Hurricane season and we'll keep our fingers crossed that the remaining days are quiet and free of storms. We've made it through the peak months of August and September and the closer we get to November the less likely we are to be hit by Mother Nature's wrath.

Oh, and by the way...It's a picture perfect day here today!

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