I don't thing we would have ever thought about boating out to the open sea and then willingly be floated up in the air 400 feet above the water- but, hey, the deal was $45 a person (we do love a good coupon), with Sky High Parasailing! A friend's daughter was turning 16, and what a fun, adventurous experience to start her year off with.
After a hearty breakfast of not-to-be-missed apple pancakes at the yummiest pancake house around (Sweet 16, literally!), we drove to the bridge near Atlantic and the A1A, met the captain of the boat, signed a short waiver, we were ready to head to open water:
Nerves were setting in, but the captain has 19,000 "flys" under his hat, and the deck hand deftly handles the parachute and rigging - all giving us confidence. That, and the fact that we went last, so we could see that our predecessors lived to tell their tale. We asked about the strength of the rope, and made the crew pinky swear that they would retrieve us if the line snapped and we floated to the Bahamas. Or Cuba.
You can ride single, in tandem, or side by side (up to three across!). Once the first team had gone up and safely returned, it was our turn. Here we are taking off:
Amazingly gentle, yet thrilling ascent! You literally feel like you are floating - the boat moves ahead, keeping you flying, and the guide rope automatically released us 400 feet in the air. If you reach 500 feet, you are in "airspace", and the metal on the riggings can be detected by air traffic controllers. Um, another time maybe.
What a view! You ride aloft for 15-20 minutes, and once the initial ascent is over, we felt secure enough to take video, pictures, and even rock the rigging a little. Just a little.

It was a wonderful way to spend a day. You have the boat ride, friendly crew, and we shared a bond with the other passengers - I suppose we are now members of the same club.
Here is a short video of both the rise from and return to ship:
This now is very high on our list of recommended activities - one that we never really had in our scope for Florida. But with the warm water, the light breeze, and the amazing sun - it all makes sense. And don't wait for a coupon deal or a birthday celebration - just do it! The crew is amazing, and if you ever had a fear of parasailing or going up in a hot air balloon, this is among the safest, most fun ways to conquer that fear.
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